EEC announced collaborations with three new outreach partners: Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, Keene, the Dublin School, Dublin, and the Historical Society of Cheshire County, Keene
On Friday, April 17 soprano, Tony Arnold, Cleonice Trios’s pianist, and cellist Emely Phelps and Gwen Krosnick, flutist and co-director, Laura Gilbert and composer, Eric Moe, performed music of Ravel, Poulenc, Prokofiev and Moe in a Morning Meeting performance followed by a day-long open rehearsal at the Dublin School. It was an extraordinary day of music and conversations between the musicians and students – the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
That same afternoon, we all headed to Franklin Elementary School for an intimate performance and reception in the music room at Franklin Elementary, hosted by Franklin’s amazing music teacher, Melanie Everard. It was a wonderful way to end our long day of work – playing for students, the very young members of Franklin’s Opera Club and a group of Franklin’s teachers and staff. A festive way for everyone to celebrate the beginning of Spring Break!